A mental calculator
If you can put aside for a moment what a pediatrician or other neurotypicals have to so about your child, what if they are wrong? What if we’ve been using the wrong tests to quantify […]
If you can put aside for a moment what a pediatrician or other neurotypicals have to so about your child, what if they are wrong? What if we’ve been using the wrong tests to quantify […]
Beste, Graag hadden wij 5 minuten van uw tijd willen vragen om een vragenlijst in te vullen betreffende digitale marketingvaardigheden in de toeristische sector. Het DIGITOUR-project (Erasmus+ project – https://www.digitourism.eu/), heeft tot doel digitale marketingvaardigheden te […]
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, this event has been cancelled. In the context of the European Pathway+ project (Mobile Pedagogical Assistant to develop meaningful pathways to personalised learning), we are organising our final “Engagement in Inclusive […]
Deze event is geannuleerd. De stad Ieper heeft opgeroepen om omwille van de COVID-19 pandemie alle indoor en outdoor evenementen – ongeacht het aantal aanwezigen – niet te laten plaatsvinden. We nemen dan ook onze verantwoordelijkheid […]
In het kader van het project “Tabletgebaseerd cognitief gamingplatform voor senioren – 2018-1-TR01-KA204-058258” doen we een bevraging onder senioren met betrekking tot hun cognitieve uitdagingen, vaardigheden en leerbehoeften. De bevraging is beschikbaar online. Meer informatie […]
We updated our TVPA initiative with the PTCare (palliative care) and CPCare (CP care and rehabilitation) training modules. For more information, visit http://www.tvpa.be/ (Dutch)
We are organising a number of events in Ieper, Belgium with our European project partners. Event 1: On 18 September 2019, we are organising the European workshop “Validation of non-formal experience deriving from mentoring schemes […]
On 2 October 2019, we are organising the European workshop “The mismatch in competences of palliative and end-life caregivers around Europe and our contribution to their assessment and acquisition” as part of our PTCare project […]
It’s with great sadness that I learned today of the passing of Nikos Voulgaropoulos (14 February 1959 – 16 August 2019), a dear friend, advocate and fighter for the rights of Greece’s people with disabilities. I […]
On 2 October 2019, we are organising the European workshop “The importance of an early intervention towards rehabilitation for people with Cerebral Palsy” as part of our CP-Care project activities. This will take place in […]
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