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VM-PRO external evaluation – tender invitation

Project details:Self-assessment system for validation of non-formal experience via youth mentoring programmes for the reintegration process at education and labour market of students and youth with disabilities (VM PRO) – 2017-2-IT03-KA205-011257Start date: 01.12.2017End date: 30.11.2019Duration: […]


Refugee children in education – survey Flanders, Belgium

We recently visited the border area between Bulgaria and Greece, and reported to our Bulgarian colleagues of the “Training for teachers how to cope with refugee children in their class” project (REFUGEEClassAssistance4Teachers, 2016-1-TR01-KA201-034527) on the […]


At Bulgarian ECVET event

On 20 September 2017, the Bulgarian National Agency “Human Resource Development Centre” in cooperation with NAVET (National Agency for VET) organised a very well attended event addressing the importance of introducing the ECVET principle in […]

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Succesful focus groups ISG project

In the context of the “Intelligent Serious Games for Social and Cognitive Competence” project,  several focus groups have been organised in Belgium in December 2016 to assess the various games that have been developed so […]