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TVPA updated

We updated our TVPA initiative with the PTCare (palliative care) and CPCare (CP care and rehabilitation) training modules. For more information, visit (Dutch)

DICE / DigiPlace4all

Presentation educational gaming & robotics at Bulgarian ICT event

PhoenixKM, in cooperation with Interprojects, made a presentation on educational gaming & robotics at the ICT event “МЛАДЕЖКИ ФОРУМИ ‘НАУКА, ТЕХНОЛОГИИ, ИНОВАЦИИ, БИЗНЕС – 2016′” which took place on 14 April 2016 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Forthcoming events

M-CARE conference, Brussels, Belgium – 1 December 2015

On 1 December 2015, the final M-CARE conference will be organised in Brussels, Belgium at VLEVA premises. The event “Caring for people with disabilities and older people: challenges, opportunities and (mobile/online) training solutions” will focus on […]