On 1 December 2015, the final M-CARE conference will be organised in Brussels, Belgium at VLEVA premises.
The event “Caring for people with disabilities and older people: challenges, opportunities and (mobile/online) training solutions” will focus on the importance of good quality personal caregiving (PCG) for people with disabilities and older people. Focus will be on caring in a broader perspective, and how M-CARE’s (mobile/online) training solutions contribute to successful PCGs.
Target groups:
- (Potential) personal assistants/personal caregivers
- Nurses
- Social workers
- People with disabilities
- Parents/friends/colleagues
- Representative organisations of people with disabilities
- Policy makers
Vlaams-Europees verbindingsagentschap vzw (please download the itinerary)
Kortenberglaan 71
1000 Brussels
English is the used language.
Premises are wheelchair accessible.
Attendance is free but registration is obligatory, and is possible via the project website. Any other costs incurred in participating to this event (hotel, travel, subsistence, etc.) must be paid for by the attendee.