
NAO Challenge 2015-2016

PhoenixKM’s CEO has been invited as jury member to the NAO Challenge 2015-2016 event in Bologna, Italy on 7 May 2016 at the Opificio Golinelli. This opportunity will be used to disseminate also ISG project […]

BNT interview with Karel Van Isacker

Promoting our work on Bulgarian National TV

PhoenixKM’s CEO Karel Van Isacker was interviewed by Bulgarian National TV during an event on 21 December 2015 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, while promoting the work of PhoenixKM in the context of the M-CARE, ACAD2, SGSCC, DICE, […]


Conference celebrating the Day of Persons with Disabilities

The European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion organises the yearly conference celebrating the Day of Persons with Disabilities on 7-8 December 2015, “Growing together in a barrier-free Europe”. The conference will focus […]


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PhoenixKM presents at CAVA 2016

CAVA 2016 (International Conference of Adaptive and Accessible Virtual Learning Environment) has been launched and will be hosted by Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco, Cartagena de Indias on 26-29 July, 2016. I most likely will attend again […]

Forthcoming events

M-CARE conference, Brussels, Belgium – 1 December 2015

On 1 December 2015, the final M-CARE conference will be organised in Brussels, Belgium at VLEVA premises. The event “Caring for people with disabilities and older people: challenges, opportunities and (mobile/online) training solutions” will focus on […]