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Registratie formulier event

Op 22 juni 2018 organiseren wij in Brussel een event met als titel “De vaardigheden van jongeren met leerstoornissen verbeteren”. Het evenement zal een hele reeks initiatieven voorstellen die als gemeenschappelijk doel hebben de vaardigheden […]


At Bulgarian ECVET event

On 20 September 2017, the Bulgarian National Agency “Human Resource Development Centre” in cooperation with NAVET (National Agency for VET) organised a very well attended event addressing the importance of introducing the ECVET principle in […]


Accessible Izmir 2016 Congress

Karel Van Isacker, CEO of PhoenixKM, will be keynote speaker at the Accessible Izmir 2016 Congress on 2-3-4-5 November 2016 in Izmir, Turkey. His keynote “Universal Design in a Diverse World” (Auditorium Hall 1, 11:30-12:30) […]

DICE / DigiPlace4all

Presentation educational gaming & robotics at Bulgarian ICT event

PhoenixKM, in cooperation with Interprojects, made a presentation on educational gaming & robotics at the ICT event “МЛАДЕЖКИ ФОРУМИ ‘НАУКА, ТЕХНОЛОГИИ, ИНОВАЦИИ, БИЗНЕС – 2016′” which took place on 14 April 2016 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.