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Succesful focus groups ISG project

In the context of the “Intelligent Serious Games for Social and Cognitive Competence” project,  several focus groups have been organised in Belgium in December 2016 to assess the various games that have been developed so […]

DICE / DigiPlace4all

Presentation educational gaming & robotics at Bulgarian ICT event

PhoenixKM, in cooperation with Interprojects, made a presentation on educational gaming & robotics at the ICT event “МЛАДЕЖКИ ФОРУМИ ‘НАУКА, ТЕХНОЛОГИИ, ИНОВАЦИИ, БИЗНЕС – 2016′” which took place on 14 April 2016 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.


NAO Challenge 2015-2016

PhoenixKM’s CEO has been invited as jury member to the NAO Challenge 2015-2016 event in Bologna, Italy on 7 May 2016 at the Opificio Golinelli. This opportunity will be used to disseminate also ISG project […]