ECOGARD event in Ieper on 01/04/2020 – GEANNULEERD/CANCELLED

Deze event is geannuleerd.

De stad Ieper heeft opgeroepen om omwille van de COVID-19 pandemie alle indoor en outdoor evenementen – ongeacht het aantal aanwezigen – niet te laten plaatsvinden. We nemen dan ook onze verantwoordelijkheid op om een verdere verspreiding van het virus tegen te gaan.

In het kader van het ECOGARD Erasmus+ project nodigen we u vriendelijk uit naar onze event op 1 april in Ieper in het Ondernemerscentrum (Grachtstraat 13, 8900 Ieper). ECOGARD project richt zich op de opleiding en kwalificatie van mensen met een beperking door middel van de ontwikkeling van een cursus “ecologische groentetuinbouw op basis van ECVET-leerresultaten”.

De werktaal van het evenement is Engels.

Deelname is gratis, maar registratie is verplicht. U kan dit via onderstaand formulier.

Een aanwezigheidsattest kan nadien bezorgd worden.

English version

This event has been canceled.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the city of Ypres has called for all indoor and outdoor events – regardless of the number of people present – not to take place. We therefore assume our responsibility to prevent the further spread of the virus.

As part of the ECOGARD Erasmus+ project, we kindly invite you to our event on 1 April in Ypres in the Ondernemerscentrum (Grachtstraat 13, 8900 Ypres). ECOGARD project focuses on supporting access to training and qualification of people with disabilities through the development of a VET course on Ecological Vegetable Gardening based on ECVET learning outcomes.

The working language of the event is English.

Participation is free, but registration is required. You can do this via the form below.

An attendance certificate can be delivered afterwards.


  • 9.00-9.30:
    • Registration and welcome coffee
  • 9.30-10.00:
    • Introduction – inaugural speech by the Coordinator Prof. Mariana Ivanova, Rector of University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Plovdiv
    • Speech by representative from Ieper city
  • 10.00-10.45:
    • Demonstration of project intellectual outputs
    • IO1: “Train the trainer” – Curriculum and training handbook on provision of ecological (organic) vegetable gardening  training (ECVET based) for VET trainer/teachers – Prof. Mariana Ivanova, Rector of University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Plovdiv
    • IO2: Training course on ecological vegetable gardening (ECVET based) for the students with learning disabilities – Andrean Lazarov, Zgura-M, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
    • IO3: Illustrated eco-vegetable gardening handbook – Yana Sotirova, Amitica Ltd., Kresna, Bulgaria
    • IO4: Social entrepreneurship skills guidelines – Karel Van Isacker, PhoenixKM, Kortemark, Belgium
    • IO5: Ecological (organic) Vegetable Gardening Worker – Andrean Lazarov, Zgura-M, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
    • IO6: Accessible mobile learning application for Android devices – Vasilka Sabeva, Zgura-M , Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • 10:45 – 12:30:
    • Collection of feedback from the participants and exchange of ideas for possible exploitation and multiplication of project outputs
  • 12.30-13.30:
    • Lunch buffet & networking

Your contact data will solely be used to keep you informed about this event only. After the event, this data will be deleted.